Tuesday, February 5

GreatWhite SoundTest

Start to experiment Sound3D class... look at objects.special...
Have to customize a little bit for my needs.
Need to load a streaming sound and had some strange behavior with SoundTest when I invert the z position... maybe my fault, anyway I basically
. add a load method
. change a bit the constructor to create the sound prop when soundObj parameter is null
. change the updateSound method.

Seems to work. Hope it could be helpful.



Matthew Lloyd said...

This is absolutley beautiful. I was thinking about doing something similar myself, though never got round to it. Id inverse the controls on moving the object though it is anti - intuitive. Other than that very nice !

officinanessuno said...

absolutely agree with controls. I hope to fix the most of it this weekend and publish new result with four sounds in the space and camera moving... in the meantime i just export successfully my first collada object (yayayaya)