Saturday, May 17

This is a multitouch pad

..and it costed me 60 cents euros :)

Thanks to the guys at Multitouch-Barcelona and togetehr with Alfredo deVito, today I approached the multitouch and it works!

Next steps is to develop an as3 multitouch application and then get our homemade multitouch pad better :)

Monday, May 12

OFFF 08 A Lisbon story - day three

Really interesting third day in Open room with the guys at Multitouch-Barcelona, the Builtbyrimes project and the GT London conference. In roots Group94 and the big final with Fallon.

Friday, May 9

OFFF 08 A Lisbon story - day two

My conference was good, bout 50 persons to see Audioscapes slides. I soon upload the new status.

I appreciate the nanika and chris o'shea conference and of course Hi-res big final, but to me the most exiting of the day was data visualization with aaron koblin, santiago ortiz and manuel lima.

happy to see that on my little own i did a data visualization net with officinanessuno :). Hope to get and keep in touch with them.

Thursday, May 8

OFFF 08 A Lisbon story - day one

Absolutely enjoyed the workshop with group94 about deep linking in flash with swfaddress.

Can't wait to experiment a bit about that.

A little bit disappointed because the Notrh kingdom conference was canceled, anyway I really appreciate the conferences of All of US and (after the JD show yayaya) of Psyop, for the ones that doesn't know it they are the Coke Happines Factory guys :).
The most impressive to me was Random International. A London-based collective which showed us their work and some funny ideas about what wireless and no wireless concepts.

One more thing. I'm absolutely in love with Lisboa.

Thursday, March 20

OFFF topic

Hector Ayuso just told me that Audioscapes project was selected for the Openroom this year. So I'll have a conference about it in Lisbon :)

Monday, March 17



Adobe, MAKE SOME NOISE is a campaign, which addresses the lack of dynamic sound manipulation in Flash. You can read more at

Thursday, March 6

officinanessuno on PV3d blog

officinanessuno was posted on PV3d blog as one of 16 ways to organize information in 3d.
Thanks guys :) see you on the list.

Tuesday, March 4

Audioscapes update:Depth shader test

here a first test with shaders.
Used Andy Zupko Depth Shader. Seems to work fine.
Just need to figure out how to integrate other shaders into it...

Tuesday, February 26

Audioscapes: let's start dancing

Here you can find a first experiment of morphing parametric animation depending on the music. Actually it's rough, sometimes deformations are too big but I think this could be the way.

Next steps:
Add some morphers more (performance...)
Complete the 3d model.
Work with colour.
Change the tempo settings depending on the music.

Sunday, February 24

Audioscapes update: make thing move

I made up a Parametric Collada. No source cause it's not yet a class but I hope I could update it soon.
Next step make it move at the sound of music...

Some random PV3d notes...
- the actual pointlight3d is less than i need. maybe I have to put one light for each dancer.
- I can't increase the light power...
-Can develop a morpher within PV3d, something similar to the 3d grid of points I have in max.
-same thing for a skeleton. It will be really interesting to develop skeleton and bones classes and move the mesh depending on the bones, apply inverse kinematics. It could be a big step to desingn 3d cartoons in Flash. And with morphers I could work on facial expressions...

Tuesday, February 19

Audioscapes update: I will use morphers

Figure out how to make the dancers to dance... I will use morphers, but not the AnimationEngine. I will use a set of morphers to have parametrical animations...Hope to publish something soon....

Monday, February 11

Goin'on with Sound3D and Audioscapes

New test is on line at:

Seems it works, at least on XZ plane. And now it's Collada/Blender time!

Wednesday, February 6

Sound3D fixing and Audioscapes

A quick note to say that going ahead in my project I found some bugs in the Sound3D class I write, fixing them...

Few words about the project. It's a mp3 (maybe radio stream) player in 3d. Each stream/song is a 3d object (starting collada tests) with its own characteristics, reacting the song in its own way. The chars are in the environment and the user move through them.

Just a trick to work with sound3d, lights, collada importing and colored pills to don't get me foul :)

Tuesday, February 5

GreatWhite SoundTest

Start to experiment Sound3D class... look at objects.special...
Have to customize a little bit for my needs.
Need to load a streaming sound and had some strange behavior with SoundTest when I invert the z position... maybe my fault, anyway I basically
. add a load method
. change a bit the constructor to create the sound prop when soundObj parameter is null
. change the updateSound method.

Seems to work. Hope it could be helpful.

Sunday, February 3

Great White and WiiFlash

Today a take a look to Great White. Want to focus on pixel 3d class.
I also connected my wiimote to pc with wiiflash server (thanks to guys).

In the meantime I'm migrating to AS3 some of the PixelDust code...

Keep you informed...

Thursday, January 31

Pixel Dust will live in 3d

In 2006 I made an alpha unfinished project in Processing. Named it "Pixel Dust". You can see P5 version here. (The ugly guy is me during my Camino of Santiago)

Pixel Dust is an idea for an exhibition. An image sequence. Same width, same height.

Let's say we have image A and next image B. Each A-pixel has its own brightness value and moves to the postion of the B-pixel which has the closest brightness value to the A-pixel one. And so on image after image.

The result is a sort of continous painting. Memories.

Image this with live shots from webcam.
Image this depending on music too.
Image this flowing in 3d space using PV3d 2.0

Will post any update of this work in progress.

Saturday, January 26

Lab19 is open

today I start lab19.
It's a repository at URL:

Lab19 is a space wehere I put AS3 classes I write for me , developing my works. Used GNU GPL2.
I hope they could be helpful for other peoples and I believe I can improve the code sharing it.

First two classes I uploaded are TweenManager and TweenManagerEvent.
Hope to upload some examples soon

Tuesday, January 22

Warning: 3594: getDate is not a recognized method of the dynamic class Date.

I encounterd thi issue with the Date object

Parsing an XMLList... this is the code:

//////for cycle
_giorno =;
_d = new Date(anno, mese, _giorno);
var eventi:XMLList = _source.children().(_eventiDel(valueOf(), _d.getDate(), mese, anno));

I don't have the warning if I write:

//////for cycle
_giorno =;
_d = new Date(anno, mese, _giorno);
var eventi:XMLList = _source.children().(_eventiDel(valueOf(), _giorno, mese, anno));

_eventiDel is a function I use to parse the XML source, it returns a boolean value, it seems like getDate is not solved when I pass it as parameter...

Sunday, January 20

let's start

Finishing touches to officina, missing the translations, just working on them with my own english and my very own spanish...
this is the blog, than there are accounts on youtube and flickr.

I will fill this with coding, experiments, issues and whatever, actually I hope I'll do it. Anyway...