Tuesday, January 22

Warning: 3594: getDate is not a recognized method of the dynamic class Date.

I encounterd thi issue with the Date object

Parsing an XMLList... this is the code:

//////for cycle
_giorno = i-d.day+1;
_d = new Date(anno, mese, _giorno);
var eventi:XMLList = _source.children().(_eventiDel(valueOf(), _d.getDate(), mese, anno));

I don't have the warning if I write:

//////for cycle
_giorno = i-d.day+1;
_d = new Date(anno, mese, _giorno);
var eventi:XMLList = _source.children().(_eventiDel(valueOf(), _giorno, mese, anno));

_eventiDel is a function I use to parse the XML source, it returns a boolean value, it seems like getDate is not solved when I pass it as parameter...

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